Emotellect: The Ultimate Digitizing destination for Schools



We provide a stabilizer and MCB to protect our system. We are dedicated to giving the best user-experience to our partner schools and to ensure this, we perform yearly preventive maintenance checks.

Service & Support

Our Content complies with the Department of School Education and literacy Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India and the NCERT curriculum.

We have ensured that the user interfaces are simple enough so that everyone can use the tools effortlessly to build futuristic schools. We are dedicated to making our systems interactive and provide the best to cater of each child individual needs.

We believe that the implementation of technology should be seamless and we provide our partner schools with both online and on-field technical and non-technical support.

Customized workshops for Teachers and Principals

Workshops on new concepts, in-school training and dedicated support staff, Emotellect believes in enhancing the quality of Education.

Our mission

We want every child to live in a world where they can be whoever they want. To pave their own path.

Our traditional education system desperately needs a change and our aim at emotellect is to do whatever little we can to play a part in that change.

Our vision

We aim to digitize every School in India by the end of 2035 and make Indian Education a standard for the entire world.